
Updates in neuroscience: Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) in development and disease.

Training course on PNS development, function, damage, regeneration and remyelination.

Lecce – Castello Carlo V, Italy – July 1-­4, 2014



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The Training Course on Peripheral Nervous System development, function, damage, regeneration and remyelination is a summer school event gathering students and leaders in the field for 3 days of lectures and informal discussions in a beautiful setting.  The program is targeted to a limited number of PhD students and residents working in the Peripheral Nervous System field.

The Training Course is part of the activities of PON projects called MAAT, REPAIR  and RINOVATIS which have among their objectives the research in the tissue engineering and regeneration of the Peripheral Nervous System.

For further information on the Training Course please click on the link below .