Wednesday – July 2

08:30 Welcome from the scientific organiser
08:45 Student introduction
Session I Organization of nerve fibers
Chair: Peter Brophy
09:15 Assembly of Domains of Myelinated Axons – J. Salzer (USA)
09:50 The organization of peripheral myelinated axons – E. Peles (Israel)
10:25 Coffee break
11:00 The extracellular matrix in myelination – L. Feltri (USA)
11:35 Genetic analysis of Schwann cell development and myelination in zebrafish – W. Talbot (USA)
12.10 LGI proteins in myelination and synapse biology – Dies Meijer (UK)
12:45 Lunch
Session II Peripheral nerve development and myelination
Chair: Ueli Suter
13:45 Mechanisms of early Schwann cell differentiation – P. Brophy (UK)
14:30 Axonal sorting in nerve development: nuclear and cytoplasm control – S. Previtali (Italy)
15:15 Coffee break
15:50 The establishment of cell polarity and initiation of Schwann cell myelination – J. Chan (USA)
16:25 Role of secretases in myelination – C. Taveggia (Italy)
17:10 Epigenetic mechanisms regulating Schwann cell development and myelination – U. Suter (Switzerland)
17:45 Informal student faculty interations

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